Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow days

We've been getting quite a bit of snow here in the Midwest. Enough that two days of school were cancelled this week.

The view out our front door.

Despite drifts that are several feet deep, the roads are now clear, so I'm hoping school will not be cancelled again tomorrow. It's been nice to have an unexpected little vacation, but it makes it more difficult later in the semester when we have to catch up with the schedule.

Yesterday we made a big pot of chili and played Scattergories and watched movies. We also did some painting, which was fun.

Here is my painting. I'm pretty proud of it, considering that I am not very artistic at all.
(The blur in the corner is my signature, concealed for privacy reasons.)

Has anyone else been hit by the "Snowmageddon"? How have you been spending your snow days?



Tarissa said...

"Snowmageddon" ~~the perfect name.

Yes, Snowmageddon has hit us. With 4 foot deep snowdrifts.

Chili, Scrabble, hot chocolate, and Monopoly has been what's keeping us alive. =)
That's a VERY cute painting! Well done!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! So, no snow here in the south. :( Just sleet.